Children with Special Needs

"Every child will have special needs at some point in their lives..." (Primary School Special Needs Policy)

For some children these needs are temporary: adjusting to a new school, moving house, broken limbs. Other children experience bereavement, divorce or a seriously ill parent - and these will have both short and long term effects.

Some children cope daily with a range of disabilities: physical difficulties, learning difficulties, long term illness, sight and hearing problems...

How do we make sure that each of these children feels understood and valued and that we have done all that we can to enable them to engage in worship and the life of the church?

Resources for children with special needs

Symbols, signs, worship: How using signs helped a child with Down's Syndrome engage in worship

Child response: What do children feel about being disabled, ill or going through a difficult time? How do they respond given time, materials and our support?