Children at home

Christian families often incorporate bedtime prayers and Bible stories and grace at meal times into their daily or weekly routine.

However, there are many more opportunities for children to explore their spirituality within the home.

Bible stories can be enriched by providing toys and artefacts which allow the children to play with the story.

Their play can be extended by offering opportunities for children to be creative through artwork, music, dance and even cooking and gardening.

Children appreciate having a framework on which to hang their experiences.

This can be provided by following the seasons of the church year and incorporating festivals and saints' days into the pattern of family life, using food, decorations and family rituals.

Prayer can become an underlying part of children's lives as they feel that they can talk to God wherever they are and whatever they are doing. They might like to make a special quiet place in the home or know they can give thanks to God when they find an interesting beetle under a stone.

Children at home resources

Sacred space: Creating focus areas around the home

Story: Different ways to approach storytelling at home

Books: A Jesse Tree for Advent by Rachel Nicholls

Play: Toys, symbols and materials that encourage children's spirituality.

Response: Children's responses around the year