Palm SundayChildren's experience of Palm Sunday may include processions, possibly with a donkey, and the giving of palm crosses. In some churches, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem is followed by the Passion readings, describing the events that took place from the Last Supper to the sealing of the tomb on Good Friday. Without this, many people would move straight from Palm Sunday to Easter Day, from joy to joy, missing out on the darkness and despair of the time in between. How can we help children enter not just into the triumph of the entry into Jerusalem but into the whole story of Easter? Palm Sunday resourcesHosanna! an event for Palm Sunday: Drama, craft, worship and activities for all ages on Palm Sunday Palm Sunday Liquid Worship Six stations including confession, prayer, word and reflection all based around the theme of Palm Sunday Drama: A drama for Palm Sunday, based on the events of Holy Week from the entry into Jerusalem to the arrest of Jesus. |