
For children, Advent can often be lost in the build up to Christmas.

Children's experiences of Advent may include Advent calendars and the many pre-Christmas celebrations in church and school such as carols, parties and Nativity plays.

But Advent may also be a time of reflection and preparation, in which we look at the patriarchs and prophecies pointing to the coming of Christ.

Advent resources

Advent wreath: Prayers and symbols for an Advent wreath written by Rachel Nicholls.

Posada: Figures of Mary and Jospeh travel around the parish visiting different families during Advent and are brought to church on Christmas Eve.

Jesse Tree: The Jesse tree shows Jesus' family tree and is used during Advent to point the way to the coming Messiah.

Path to the Stable: A Footsteps event for Advent involving story telling and creative response at different stations. The same material was used as the basis for an event in two different locations - a small rural church and a large city church, where it was used as a schools' event by the Church Schools of Cambridge.

A Jesse Tree for Advent: A book to help you use a Jesse Tree with schools or children at home.

Advent prayer stations: The prophets Prayer stations to help people prepare for Christ's coming by looking at the prophets - especially Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel (Second Sunday of Advent).

Advent prayer stations: John the Baptist: Light in the dark, the voice in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord and Baptism are the themes for these prayer stations for the third Sunday of Advent.