
Working in partnership with local churches to present a Christian message for Primary Schools

GenR8's core work is school presentations, which seek to combine fun and faith in a relevant and educational way to primary school aged children. We use songs, puppets, sketches, stories and lots of interaction!

In a typical term GenR8 presents to over 25,000 children. We currently have teams in Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire. GenR8 was established in 2001.

GenR8 volunteers are all committed Christians from different denominations in the local community and have experience of working with children in schools or church settings. Many volunteers have professional qualifications in these areas.

In order to achieve its objectives, GenR8 funds a number of paid workers in key areas.

Our four main objectives:

Presenting Christian values and themes to school aged children

Working in partnership with schools to advance Christian education

Working in partnership with churches in building relationships with local schools

Enabling and equipping local Christian volunteers

GenR8 supports:

Our vision is to expand our work with children by establishing a strong and sustainable work amongst children, in both churches and primary schools. We aim to do this in three key areas by supporting:


Churches working with schools

Churches working with children

We run a variety of events and activities for children in partnership with local churches, primary schools and other organisations.

In addition to school presentations, GenR8 also provides:

Praise Party

Lively annual event at Ely Cathedral, with music, sketches, puppets and hands-on interactive activities. An opportunity for primary aged children and their carers to praise God together.

All-Age Church Services

Sketches, puppets, songs, interaction and humour, in the GenR8 way! Lots for all ages to enjoy and think about!

It's Your Move

An initiative which takes young people from years 11 and 13 into primary schools to lead a lesson for students who are about to make the transition to secondary school.

RE Days

John Hardwick, one of the GenR8 founding members, leads RE days in schools both locally in partnership with GenR8 and nationally.

Themes include: 'Nobody's a Nobody' (Self Esteem) and 'Creation Appreciation' (Appreciating one another and the world we live in). There is a charge for these days.


Residential weekend for children aged 8-11. XcellR8 is a mix of fun and faith that seeks to enable children to draw closer to Jesus.

Training for Children's and Schools Ministry

Train Up is a workshops day providing training and motivation for leaders as they seek to inspire children on their journey of faith.

Additional training events include bite size Train Up and holiday club evenings. GenR8 also provides training in schools work such as contributing to the Centre for Youth Ministry.


Primary school chaplaincy is new to the work of GenR8. This role is primarily in pastoral care, supporting and working alongside the existing support systems in schools.

The Future

GenR8 is continuing to expand its work with primary schools as well as developing our support of churches in their work with children and schools.

Further information

For further information, to book or to receive a copy of GenR8's 'schools' and/or 'church' flier: or contact GenR8

Steve Whyatt      