School: Prayer OpportunitiesPrayer Tree"Dear God Thank you for our lunch" "Dear God Please let the flood stop" "Please let Milly make up and be friends again" "Dear God, Thank you for the exciting different weathers. Amen" "Help me be a better brother to Jack" "Please love all the children in the world. Amen " Our prayer tree stands in the school hall, and the children have the opportunity to write their own prayers and hang them on the tree. Each week a few of the prayers are read out and prayed during the school's lunchtime "Quiet Club". The prayer tree was made from a jewellery tree; leaves were cut out of gold foil and attached to the tree using wires, and paper clips were added for the children to attach their prayers. Thank you jarA jar was provided for each class and labelled "Thank you" before being decorated by the children. Paper and pens are provided for anyone who wants to write or draw thank you prayers or thoughts throughout the day. At the end of the day or during the class prayer time these are read out and shared. Sorry boxThis was introduced as a follow up to the school's R.E. Worship Day. A wooden box was Labelled "Sorry Box" and decorated by the children. Inside is a layer of dry sand. If there is something anyone wants to say sorry for they can draw, write or make patterns in the sand with their fingers. The lid is then closed and the box shaken. On opening the box it is clear that the marks have disappeared and that they can start afresh. Class PrayersDear Lord Jesus, Thank you for the peace that we have in our world and that you will hold us and not let us fall. Please help the people that die every ten seconds from dirty water and have no food to eat like the Chilean miners who only have a tiny bit of food a day because the mine fell on top of them when they were working and it will take till December to get them out, please help them. Amen At the start of the year children in Key Stage 2 (7 - 11 year olds) are given the opportunity to write a prayer for the class prayer book. At the end of the morning session, a child chooses a prayer from the class prayer book to read out. In Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage (4 - 7 year olds) children who want to, may be chosen to say a prayer of their own before going into lunch. |